18 December 2024

Running & Right Angling


Is aurora borealis in the hood? 

It’s a well-captured light effect due to proper camera angling. Jokingly I referred to it as Cynthia Aguilar Villaris since my backdrop is one of the senator's countless business properties. LOL and *eye rolls*!

Admittedly my regular training runs made me achieve this "upgraded selfie" which a lone wolf like me would resort to. A recipient of no official marathon photos before, I wouldn’t give a hang if I’d be subjected to a repeat of this experience come my first running event in 2025. As long as I got my phone, I, me and myself would be the photographer. Hahahaha. 

Spicy Rabasera is gung ho to putting this learned “skill” to good use soonest! 

So I’m sorry, maƱana habit, you'll never tempt me to untrain even during this party season! 

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